Cyperaceae are riparian wetland plants that very likely
represent vegetation from the vicinity of the deposition site.
Pteridophytes are usually considered local as well, extend-
ing from several meters to a few hundreds of meters around
the deposition sites. This hypothesis is supported by the
low position of gametophytes on most extant fern species,
which prevents spores from being transported by wind. How-
ever, several authors consider that spores can be transported
by water flooding (Maley and Brenac, 1998; Anshari et al.,
2004). High percentages of spores could indicate a high vol-
ume of water invading the basin, and varying pteridophytes
percentages can be interpreted as indicating a varying hydrol-
ogy of the deposition zone (Maloney, 1999). Cyperaceae,
pteridophytes and aquatic taxa are considered local vegeta-
tion, corresponding to the ferns and the aquatic plants living