Vertical dimension:
Forwarder-forwarder integration (e-pouch): The aforementioned scenarios are combined with the progressive removal of the physical pouches of documents that are transported with the freight. The removal of the pouch is demonstrated in two stages namely, 50% of the total shipments with the e-pouch and 100% of shipments with the e-pouch.
The last dimension is possible for shipments that use e-freight trade lanes today and that have only the core documents usually attached to general cargo. While it is difficult to assess what percentage of freight is general cargo today, it is normally estimated to be well in excess of 50% of all shipments. As more documents are made electronic over time (such as e-SDDG, Certificate of Origins, CITES, etc.), and more trade lanes are opened, removing physical document pouches will be possible on more shipments. This is why the analysis distinguishes two scenarios, 50% of the total shipments without pouch and 100% of shipments without pouch.