7. when Burke came to say goodbye, geoff couldn't think of a to say.
8. "I wish you could come," Burke said.
9. "So do I," Geoff said glumly , looking past Burke. Then his eyes widened. His grandfather and Burke's father were riding toward the house. "What's the matter?" Geoff called.
10. "Plenty," grandfather said. "The horses for the droving are scattered all over the south paddock."
11. "How did they get out?"
12. Mr. Blair frowned at his son. "No one's been in the pen since you fed them. You forgot to fasten the chain on the gate."
13. "I-I thought there was a latch on that gate," Geoff stammered.
14. "There is," Mr. Blair said, "but it doesn't hold. There is why we use the chain. Burke knows that.