Thematic content analysis was used because it details
and systematically records themes and issues identified
in interviews (Burnard, 1991). Each interview was
coded and analyzed before the next interview was conducted. Common data were grouped into categories,
which were distilled and analyzed for patterns and
themes, and relationships between themes were considered
(Polit & Beck, 2008). Data saturation was reached
when no new data categories were identified during
analysis of the interviews. An audit trail was kept,
and investigator triangulation was used to enhance
the confirmability of the researchers’ findings, as well
as to ensure the dependability of the study over time
(Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Salient points, as interpreted
by various research team members, were compared and
discussed, and member checking was performed on a
regular basis to reduce the risk of biased interpretation
of data (Lincoln & Guba, 1985).