24 Aralyar
We investigated the influence of prnteciion (nwan the FID of target and non ta fish using linear mixed etler i nodels er each pre light behaviour tacking] differed among management zones (null hypothesis lhe relative frequency or cad behaviour is nce of protection on set fisli escape trajectories, we used a general additive mixed model (GAMM) with a supine cyclical splite smoother to account for the circu- lar nature of the data Further disatibution parameters of escape trajec- tories were assessed using Anscombr Glynit and Angostino tests (Anscombe and Glynn, 1083: D'Agostino management zone was treated as a fixed effect, wheteas each behav ioural or FID replicate was treated as a random effect nested within reef, Fish sine TL) was analysed as a continuous vuriable in all models, bot categorized into two size cusses for the target species (above and below minimum legal retention size, 38 mm) to aid graphical interpreta an FII selection lot the LMEs was