Cherita and Jon Martineau, general manager of the hotel, both thought the market-
ing exposure associated with hosting the teams would be very beneficial for the hotel but were concerned about accepting the business because they knew from past experience that many of the desired dates were usually very busy days for the hotel. They were sure the rate that the WICB was willing to pay would be lower than the average rate of $140—$150 they normally received during these times. In contrast to regular guests, who could usually be counted on to have a number of meals at the hotel, team members and officials would probably be less likely to dine at the hotel because they would be on a per diem budget. On average, both corporate customers and vacationers spend about $8 per person for breakfast and about $25 per person for dinner (per perscin including VAT). The contribution margin on food and beverage is approximately 30 percent. About 80 percent of all guests have breakfast at the hotel and approximately 30 percent of all guests dine at the hotel (there are many other attractive restaurant options nearby). Martineau thought only about 25 percent of the cricket group would have breakfast at the hotel and maybe only about 10 percent would dine at the hotel. Also, they worried about how the hotel's other guests might react to the presence of the cricket teams. Still, the marketing potential