other reason requires careful evaluation, because use
of physical restraint increases the risk for unplanned
extubation by 3.11 times, and the risk increases to
12.44 times if a nosocomial infection is also present.
Without physical restraints, the risk of unplanned
extubation in a patient with a GCS score of 9 or
greater on ICU admission who has an infection is
only 4.00 times greater than the risk in a patient
with a GCS score less than 9 and no nosocomial
infection. In our study, patients with an infection
had a higher risk (odds ratio, 2.71; 95% confidence
interval, 1.29-5.65) of being restrained (Table 2).
Caution is needed when the use of physical restraint
is being considered. Initiation of physical restraint
on a patient with an infection will increase the risk
of unplanned extubation up to 6.28 times, which is
much higher than the risk of unplanned extubation
in a patient with only an infection (2.02 times).
other reason requires careful evaluation, because useof physical restraint increases the risk for unplannedextubation by 3.11 times, and the risk increases to12.44 times if a nosocomial infection is also present.Without physical restraints, the risk of unplannedextubation in a patient with a GCS score of 9 orgreater on ICU admission who has an infection isonly 4.00 times greater than the risk in a patientwith a GCS score less than 9 and no nosocomialinfection. In our study, patients with an infectionhad a higher risk (odds ratio, 2.71; 95% confidenceinterval, 1.29-5.65) of being restrained (Table 2).Caution is needed when the use of physical restraintis being considered. Initiation of physical restrainton a patient with an infection will increase the riskof unplanned extubation up to 6.28 times, which ismuch higher than the risk of unplanned extubationin a patient with only an infection (2.02 times).
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