Fig. 4. Rice production (Metric tonnes per hectare) in cropping season 2005. Seven
applications with Aur 6, Aur 9 or Aur6 + Aur 9 were done, one in seeds and 6 in
leaves, from early tillering, when 0.5% of disease severity was reached until
flowering. Different letters indicate significant differences according to LSD
(p < 0.05).
Fig. 5. Rice quality (Weight of 1000 seeds) in cropping season 2005. Seven
applications with Aur 6, Aur 9 or Aur6 + Aur 9 were done, one in seeds and 6 in
leaves, from early tillering, when 0.5% of disease severity was reached until
flowering. Different letters indicate significant differences according to LSD
(p < 0.05).
Fig. 6. Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), and disease severity (% surface affected) in leaves, in cropping season 2006. Plants were treated with the combination Aur
6 + Aur 9 as follows: (A) untreated control (control); (B) on seeds (seeds); (C) on leaves one bacterial application when 0.5% of foliar severity was reached and Tebuconazol
(leaf + chemical); (D) on leaves in three phenological stages (late boot stage, flowering and early milk), irrespective of foliar severity (leaf). Different letters indicate significant
differences according to LSD (p < 0.05).
Fig. 4. Rice production (Metric tonnes per hectare) in cropping season 2005. Sevenapplications with Aur 6, Aur 9 or Aur6 + Aur 9 were done, one in seeds and 6 inleaves, from early tillering, when 0.5% of disease severity was reached untilflowering. Different letters indicate significant differences according to LSD(p < 0.05).Fig. 5. Rice quality (Weight of 1000 seeds) in cropping season 2005. Sevenapplications with Aur 6, Aur 9 or Aur6 + Aur 9 were done, one in seeds and 6 inleaves, from early tillering, when 0.5% of disease severity was reached untilflowering. Different letters indicate significant differences according to LSD(p < 0.05).Fig. 6. Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), and disease severity (% surface affected) in leaves, in cropping season 2006. Plants were treated with the combination Aur6 + Aur 9 as follows: (A) untreated control (control); (B) on seeds (seeds); (C) on leaves one bacterial application when 0.5% of foliar severity was reached and Tebuconazol(leaf + chemical); (D) on leaves in three phenological stages (late boot stage, flowering and early milk), irrespective of foliar severity (leaf). Different letters indicate significantdifferences according to LSD (p < 0.05).
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