is relatively important. Change a cannot on their most respon tural they concentrate The result is a widenin all of their clients, so homop hilous. with whom they are most nomic benefits gap among the change agents client of innovations n have to widen Does the diffusion stem? Some reason for optimism about economic gaps in a soci field experiments in dveoping issue was by two Roling and shing and Mody (1916) in India and approaches Kenya designed and evaluated diffusion gaps. Essential rather than widened, to overcome the in approaches sought, with some success, the usu al diffusion Program. They introduced appropriate in to lower socioeconomic clients through a special develo pment m. These studies &used in 11) suggest that ir com cation strategies are used effectively in narrowing the soci benefits then the socioeconomic structure is no longer a ma barrier gap to the most disadvantaged seg to the diffusion of innovations ment of the population. Thus it may be possible to bring about gest equality through appropriate diffusion strategies. Summary we reviewed four major shortcomings of diffusion research in tis chapter. We conclude that the beginnings of diffusion research left an indelible stamp on the approaches, concepts, methods, and assump- tions of the field. The biases that we from research inherited our tors have been inappropriate for certain important diffusion reserc tasks of today. It is ironic that the study of itself been innovation has traditional The four major of diffusion research discussed 1. The pro-innotation ba, te implication of reserc most diffusion that an innovaion shouldbe diffused to and adopted by all of a social that it should be diffused rapidly. an innovation should be neither re-invented nor rejected. inditidual membe that 2. The sponsible for bids, the tendency to hold an his or her problems, rather than the 5stem indhidd 3. the individual is a part. The recall in dffusion inac" research, which may lead to
is relatively important. Change a cannot on their most respon tural they concentrate The result is a widenin all of their clients, so homop hilous. with whom they are most nomic benefits gap among the change agents client of innovations n have to widen Does the diffusion stem? Some reason for optimism about economic gaps in a soci field experiments in dveoping issue was by two Roling and shing and Mody (1916) in India and approaches Kenya designed and evaluated diffusion gaps. Essential rather than widened, to overcome the in approaches sought, with some success, the usu al diffusion Program. They introduced appropriate in to lower socioeconomic clients through a special develo pment m. These studies &used in 11) suggest that ir com cation strategies are used effectively in narrowing the soci benefits then the socioeconomic structure is no longer a ma barrier gap to the most disadvantaged seg to the diffusion of innovations ment of the population. Thus it may be possible to bring about gest equality through appropriate diffusion strategies. Summary we reviewed four major shortcomings of diffusion research in tis chapter. We conclude that the beginnings of diffusion research left an indelible stamp on the approaches, concepts, methods, and assump- tions of the field. The biases that we from research inherited our tors have been inappropriate for certain important diffusion reserc tasks of today. It is ironic that the study of itself been innovation has traditional The four major of diffusion research discussed 1. The pro-innotation ba, te implication of reserc most diffusion that an innovaion shouldbe diffused to and adopted by all of a social that it should be diffused rapidly. an innovation should be neither re-invented nor rejected. inditidual membe that 2. The sponsible for bids, the tendency to hold an his or her problems, rather than the 5stem indhidd 3. the individual is a part. The recall in dffusion inac" research, which may lead to
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