Water temperatures followed the expected annual
dynamics with winter 2012 minima (16.68 0.248C) and
summer maxima (29.19 0.168C). No spatial variation in
water temperature could be detected. Salinity exhibited
seasonal fluctuations and reached maximum values (38.22
0.26 PSU 38.30 0.59 PSU) in winter and autumn 2012,
respectively, whereas the lowest values (27.73 3.64 PSU)
were measured in spring. Lowest values were observed at
stations 1 and 2 due to the freshwater discharged. Minimum
pH value (8.11) was recorded in winter 2012, 2013, while the
highest value (8.40) was measured in autumn. The harbour's
water was always well-oxygenated and reached maximum
values in spring