As a beautiful resistant shrub, yellow rose hasbeen originated from Iran. It is an important plantin rose water industry which is enriched of vita-min C and is used in healing scurvy (Bernardet al., 2008). It is useful as a sedative and also inhealing heart diseases. It is also used in healingdigestive and skin diseases. The fruits of the plantare useful in fixing muscular pains and the planthas an anti-parasite effect in its crude form (Ber-nardet al., 2008). Since its propagation throughvegetative method is time-consuming on onehand and has limitations in maternal plant andlong production period on the other hand, in vitroculture is regarded as a suitable method for cop-ing with these difficulties and studying its vari-ous characteristics (Bernard et al., 2008). Theprovinces of Kordestan, Fars and Kerman in Iranhave the climate appropriate for growing yellowrose. The first successful rose tissue culture wasreported by Hill (1967). To micropropagate rosecv. Elizabeth, Shirzadian and Lotfi (2006)planted shoots in MS media with hormones IAAand BAP and took explants from it multipletimes. The MS media with 0.1 mg/l IAA and 1mg/l BAP and triple explanting had the highestshooting. MS media with 0.6 mg/l IAA had thehighest rooting (0.075). The seedlings were thentransferred to soil media containing sand and peatwith the ratio of 1:1 in pots (Shirzadian and Lotfi,2006).