Texture properties can often be assessed with instruments, but this
is insufficient in characterizing the product. Many consumers use the
sensory properties of foods to judge the freshness and quality of a
product (Kealy, 2006). Sensory properties including; flavor, mouth
feel and also color could be evaluated by trained or untrained
panelists and consumer testing could provide the most meaningful
and reliable information on the textural quality and acceptability of
yogurt ( Jaworska, Waszkiewicz-robak, Kolanowski, & Swiderski,
2005). Therefore, in this study, both instrumental and panel testing
procedures were carried out.
Texture properties can often be assessed with instruments, but thisis insufficient in characterizing the product. Many consumers use thesensory properties of foods to judge the freshness and quality of aproduct (Kealy, 2006). Sensory properties including; flavor, mouthfeel and also color could be evaluated by trained or untrainedpanelists and consumer testing could provide the most meaningfuland reliable information on the textural quality and acceptability ofyogurt ( Jaworska, Waszkiewicz-robak, Kolanowski, & Swiderski,2005). Therefore, in this study, both instrumental and panel testingprocedures were carried out.
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