VRD uses a photon source generating a coherent beam of light. Laser Diode like coherent source will help the VRD to give a diffraction limited spot on retina. The light beam from the photon source is intensity modulated. Intensity Modulation of light beam is done generally to match the intensity of the image. Now the modulated beam undergoes beam scanning. Beam Scanning allows keeping image pixels properly on the retina. In the beam scanner both raster mode and vector mode scanning takes place. After the scanning process, the optical beam projection to the retina takes place. When the coplanar property between the entrance pupil of the user and the exit pupil of VRD is achieved, a spot like beam will be focused to the eye. The spot focused through the eye will draw an image on the retina. Drive electronics will allow synchronization of scanner, modulator and coming video signal. Through synchronization a stable image will be formed. Its said that more compact VRDs will be available with the MEMS technology.