Our survey of OSH programmes in Asian enterprises
demonstrates that a safety culture is commonly accepted
as t he key t o prevent i ng work- rel at ed i nj ur i es and
diseases. These enterprises emphasize risk management
with shared responsibility for establishing a preventative
cul ture i n the workpl ace. They ai m to engage good
practices with the support of management systems and
participatory steps.
The OSH programmes of our network partners (http://
www/ wi n- as i a. or g/ ) commonl y appl y par t i ci pat or y
methods in small enterprises, agriculture and homebased
work. Typically, trained trainers act as facilitators
of the improvement process. Table 16 cites the main
features of these programmes; most are based on the
Wor k I mpr ove me nt i n Sma l l Ent e r pr i s e s ( WI SE)
methodology, which the ILO developed. Participants
learn about existing local good practices applied locally
and plan similar and practicable improvements that have
real impacts on risk reduction in their workplace.
Thus, the participatory steps taken by these programs
are clearly aimed at building on local good practices as
shown in figure 15. Group discussion of good practices
locally achieved can guide participants about practicable