The era of globalization requires each organization to maintain the existence and growth and to compete freely with
other elements within and outside of the organization. (Robbins, 2003) [1]
Hospital as an organization or institution that manages a multi-enterprise institution (medical services, nursing services,
public administration and finance, laboratory services, pharmacy, nutrition services, and just to name a few). It must meet the
new demands from the society. One of the fundamental efforts that can be done is by reforming the organizational internal as
coordinating institution appropriately to the hospital that continues to grow with high mobility, in line with the demands of
external development organizations.
A hospital is a health care organization that is unique and all-solid. It comprises with a solid effort, capital-intensive, upto-
date technology-intensive science, solid human resources and the variety of professions. This circumstance is due to the
hospital deals with an internal impact of multi-enterprise, which the emergence of problems is likely to occur. This
phenomenon is exacerbated by the emergence of regional and global issues, which change very quickly, the challenges of
free competition, the demands of performance-based strategic planning, as well as the appearance of the organization and
leadership paradigm for the future. Hence, the hospital as a referral center of the base level of service must maintain the
quality of service to the community. (Matzen, 2012) [2]
Quality of hospital services in terms of the number of nursing covers aspects and capabilities of professionals, work
motivation, funding, and facilities. Aside from that, the quality of hospital can be seen when it is supporting equipment, improvement
of hospital management in accordance with the development of science and technology. In this regard, the government
has set the standard of health care, for instance, the emphasis of health care hospitals include medical and nursing