Phu Kradueng National Park is not just a destination for tourists to exploit their own pleasure in order to conquer the summit, but it is still an invaluable sise of natural heritage for the next genenration and the source of knowledge for everyone The flora communiy of Phu Kradueng National Park can be classified into 5 types, hill evergreen forest, pine forest and tropical savanna. Beside the temperate tree such as two-needled pine, three-needled pine, oak and maple that can be seen on the mountaintop, there also exisits a rich varity of orchids and charming flower which differently blossoms season by season, for instance, White differently blossoms season by season, for instance, Which and Red Roses, Kradum Ngoen,Krachao Khao and SomPae. In addition, Phu Kradung is the habitat of more than 266 wildlife species such as Asiatic Black Bear, Barking Deer, sambar Deer, Wold Pig and Birds as well as rarely found reptiltes such as the Snapp