Compensation of intra-channel nonlinearities is applied at the transmitter through reverse propagation [9] of the channel
in the absence of noise. This removes the channel memory associated with the pattern dependence of signal-signal intrachannel
nonlinearities [10]. A single state of polarization is considered in this study. For optical dispersion compensation, we
use a singly-periodic dispersion map optimized in the absence of intra-channel nonlinearity compensation. The dispersion
compensating elements are considered as low-loss linear elements. The dispersion pre-compensation is -1050 ps/nm, the
residual dispersion per span is 20 ps/nm (applied every 100 km) and the dispersion is brought to zero at the receiver. We
use such a dispersion map to minimize the impact of imperfect compensation in practical implementations of intra-channel
nonlinearities compensation. The noise co-propagates with the signal, capturing all signal-noise nonlinear interactions.