Case1: Integrated land use planning at semi-regional level
The Forest of Maro and the Hippopotamus conservation lake are two protected areas
located in the north west of the province. During the pilot phase of the project (1992 –
1996), an integrated land use plan was initiated in that area, with the following
• A participatory management of the Maro forest by an inter-village committee
representing 17 villages surrounding the forest with multiple objectives of income raising
for the local people, supplying fuel wood to the province capital, and the conservation of
the forest;
• The creation of a stable pastoral zone to secure the pastoralists living in the area
while avoiding the increasing pressure of cattle on the reserve areas;
• The protection of riverbanks against soil erosion and sedimentation;
• The definition of local conservation areas to protect the village cultural sites.
Case2: Bottom-up regional planning based on local participatory planning information
In preparation for the actual phase of the program (2001-2005), the regional office of
PNGT implemented a participatory diagnosis in 12 test villages during the year 2000. This
step provided the regional planners with relevant information that should serve as basis
for an implementation at provincial scale by:
• Efficiently supporting the local planning procedure at regional scale;
• Efficiently articulating the local plans with regional formal planning activities;
• Allowing scenario building at regional level in order to orient sectoral strategies
based on the most relevant local planning information.