A possible approach to modelling of the soft-EHL problems is to use the classical EHL theory, i.e., to neglect all the finitedeformation effects mentioned above. For instance, de Vicente et al. [7] applied the classical EHL solver to simulate an elastomeric point contact and derived a regression equation for the friction coefficient by fitting the corresponding numerical solutions. Their numerical solution was compared to experimental measurements, and a very good agreement was observed [7,14]. The experiments involved moderately large deformations as the ratio of the Hertzian contact radius to the ball radius was 0.17. Quite surprisingly, as shown in the present paper, the regression equation of [7] agrees very well with the predictions of the present fully nonlinear model also for much higher loads (and thus for much larger deformations) for which the ratio of the Hertzian contact radius to the ball radius exceeds 0.3. Despite the good agreement in terms of the friction coefficient, the local values of film thickness and hydrodynamic pressure do not exhibit such a good agreement. Furthermore, some notions, such as the central film thickness, are no longer well defined once finite configuration changes are involved.