Introduction to taxes tax billboard sign
What Tax is a tax collected by the advertising used in the trade or engage in other activities to earn badges taxable
.Include labels that show Brand or The merchant. Or engaging in other activities To earn advertising or commercial or other business to earn money. Whether to display or text ads to any object with an image.Carved inscriptions or display other way
Who is responsible for payment of taxes.For the label owner when the owner could not find it. Promises is a sign that the incumbent is responsible for the tax. If a person can not occupy the building.
The period to file a
the owner of the sign, which is taxable label. Filing a tax return (Por Paw 1) Department Revenue Development Division. The municipality had three hits Within the period as follows:
- filing tax returns labels (P.Primary 1) in March of each year
- Filing Tax (Por Paw 1) Within 15 days from the date of installation or label. For sign installed or changed Tax calculation
.Tax shall be calculated by taking the length x width calculated as square centimeters divided by 500 multiplied by the tax rate that type