Expansive soil behavior is swelling and shrinkage. These behavior of expansive soils subject to movement and distress. Therefore, structures on these form minor crack of roads or interior house. In present, a ground improvment widely use to solve expansive soil. In this study, that appied shallow and deep stabilization applications to mitigate swelling and shrinkage. These principle techniques base on decrease volume of expansive soil and increas the thickness or area treatment in the form of shallow foundations and piles. The treatment was incorporated into the model through composite properties. In this paper, a study behavior the deep and shallow stabilization of an expansive soil by change thickness and area treatment ratio for techniques improvement. The procedures was divided into laboratory and physical model test. First part, the swelling potential and cement content were tested the conventional one-dimensional oedometer. these results of cement content were analyzed to select the cement content for shallow and deep treatment studies. The physical model tests were PVC conducted in a cylindrical mold of 300 mm diameter and 450 mm height. It was amplified from oedometer cell. To identify the appropriate area treatment ratio and make pratical used in field for Improvement of expansive soils of deeper depth, That not impact the building