Ji Wu Jiu, lowered his head, picked up his brush and continue to write, saying “Empress, if you are tired, you can sleep first, don’t need to bother about me”
Ye Zhen Zhen did not even reply, and allowed Su Yue and Su Feng to help her prepare to sleep.
After a while later, Ji Wu Jiu stretched his stiff body, and decided to sleep as well. A few maid servant quickly served him and after he climbed on the bed, they put down the yellow bed net/cover. Both of their even breaths were interlacing with one another, beyond the bed net, there was only a small light wavering around chasing people off to the dreamland.
Slow wind blowing outside, on the sky there was a new moon, with thousands of stars lighting up the sky, like the candles brightening the sky, guarantee to bring good a night of good sleep.