Water injection, as a separate liquid or emulsion with liquid fuels,
or as a vapour, has been thoroughly researched [1-5]. Present research
for reducing harmful emissions and increasing thermal efficiency
of internal combustion engines has shown that the water addition
to the engine directly or water emulsified fuels is a promising way to
accomplish these tasks.
It has been demonstrated experimentally that the water addition
produces some significant effects on the combustion of liquid fuels.
Harrington [1] concluded that knock can be suppressed, hydrocarbon
emissions will slightly increase, NOx emissions will decrease, CO does
not change.
Significantly fuel and energy consumption rate are increased with
small amounts of water addition. Lanfazame [2] measured a reduction
in compression work when performing experiments on a singlecylinder
CFR engine with water addition. He also reported that water
injection really represents a new way to avoid detonation and to control
NOx formation in SI engines.
Several engine tests using water/fuel emulsions have been
conducted. Abu-zaid [3] concluded that the addition of water in the
form of emulsion in fuel improves the combustion efficiency in the
diesel engine, hence the performance of the engine.
Several different methods of water addition have been developed
[4,5]. These studies have shown that further reduction of harmful
emissions is still possible. While the effects of water addition to internal
combustion engines has been an active area of research in recent years,
some of these studies have only measured external effects on exhaust
emissions, and fuel consumption. It is apparent that a little information
is available on the systematic investigation of the effects on the engine
performance. LPG has been commonly used as one of the cleanest
alternative fuel for auto-engines for more than 40 years. The aim of
the present work is to investigate experimentally the effect of the water
injection on the performance of a LPG fuelled SI engine.
IntroductionWater injection, as a separate liquid or emulsion with liquid fuels,or as a vapour, has been thoroughly researched [1-5]. Present researchfor reducing harmful emissions and increasing thermal efficiencyof internal combustion engines has shown that the water additionto the engine directly or water emulsified fuels is a promising way toaccomplish these tasks.It has been demonstrated experimentally that the water additionproduces some significant effects on the combustion of liquid fuels.Harrington [1] concluded that knock can be suppressed, hydrocarbonemissions will slightly increase, NOx emissions will decrease, CO doesnot change.Significantly fuel and energy consumption rate are increased withsmall amounts of water addition. Lanfazame [2] measured a reductionin compression work when performing experiments on a singlecylinderCFR engine with water addition. He also reported that waterinjection really represents a new way to avoid detonation and to controlNOx formation in SI engines.Several engine tests using water/fuel emulsions have beenconducted. Abu-zaid [3] concluded that the addition of water in theform of emulsion in fuel improves the combustion efficiency in thediesel engine, hence the performance of the engine.Several different methods of water addition have been developed[4,5]. These studies have shown that further reduction of harmfulemissions is still possible. While the effects of water addition to internalเครื่องยนต์เผาไหม้ได้รับพื้นที่ใช้งานวิจัยในปีที่ผ่านมาของการศึกษาเหล่านี้มีเพียงวัดไอเสียผลกระทบภายนอกปล่อย และปริมาณการใช้เชื้อเพลิง เห็นได้ชัดเจนข้อมูลเล็กน้อยในการตรวจสอบผลกระทบกับเครื่องยนต์ระบบประสิทธิภาพของ แก๊ส LPG มีการใช้เป็นหนึ่งในการเตรียมเชื้อเพลิงทดแทนสำหรับรถยนต์เครื่องยนต์มากกว่า 40 ปี จุดมุ่งหมายของการทำงานปัจจุบันคือการ ตรวจสอบ experimentally ผลของน้ำฉีดในประสิทธิภาพการทำงานของแก๊ส LPG เติมพลังเครื่องยนต์ SI
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