system boundaries in this. Is able to
defend this new interpretation against the
parties involved. //?has creativity and
synthetic skills with respect to design
problems. // is able (with supervision) to
produce and execute a design plan. // is
able to work at different levels of
abstraction including the system level. //
understands, where necessary, the
importance of other disciplines
(interdisciplinary). // is aware of the
changeability of the design process
through external circumstances or
advancing insight.?// is able to integrate
existing knowledge in a design.?// has the
skill to take design decisions, and to justify
and evaluate these in a systematic
Master Programme
The five Masters are Architecture, Building
Technology, Real Estate & Housing,
Landscape Architecture and Urbanism.
Each specialisation offers one or more
programmes and electives, culminating in
a final project and finally leading to a
Master of Science degree.
Within the programme of the MSc.-
Architecture students are offered a range
of choice between four integrated courses
and elective courses. The programme
provides a large degree of flexibility in the
first year of the MSc within an ordered
curriculum including the possibility tospend
up to one semester at a partner university
of TU Delft (second semester). The
Architecture Track's educational
programme addresses a wide range of
social issues such as the design and
layout of the built environment, the growing
demand for high quality homes and
residential districts, urbanisation processes
and density strategies, the management of
building supplies, architectural integration
of infrastructure and the accessibility of
public facilities, sustainable construction
and the development of new building
materials and structures. The MSc-Building
Technology specialization and the
Architectural Engineering specialization
both cover a wide range of disciplines and
share a common base in the first year. The
methodology is based on an integrated
design process in which design, research
and technology are reinforced with topics
such as product development, materials
science, building physics, climate design,
structural mechanics and structural design,
design of construction, computation and
modelling, and production techniques.
The MSc-Real Estate & Housing
specialization is aimed at design,