i think the reaction online (as it is here, i gather) from this win is maybe an extension of the shadiness of last week's counting. yes, it's all digitals and mv views, but mv views from the previouse week. however hi suhyun's mv (of 5 days only) was included in the sns count, thus they won over aoa and kyuhyun.. so the win for this week, by another YG artist, tho maybe legit, seems a bit off for people. especially taking into consideration that kyuhyun has been mostly above hi suhyun and GDTY in the digital charts ..to some it may have seemed that inki and yg have conspired to let their artists win 1 each before they run out of time to get nominated (and lol never thought i'd get to see people doubting a GDYB win)
and i don't think all those knetz doubting the result are SM biased! haha! with those high upvotes