1.1. Fruit and vegetable wastes
According to Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the estimated Fruit and Vegetable wastes
percentage for each commodity group in each step of the food supply chain are 15, 9, 25, 10 and 7% in
agricultural production, post-harvest handling and storage, processing and packaging, distribution and
consumption respectively in South and South-East Asia [1]. Mostly the solid wastes generated largely in
traditional markets including fruit and vegetable wastes are disposed in municipal landfill or dumping
sites caused environmental problems. Due to their nature and composition, they deteriorate easily and
cause foul smell. Considering the high moisture and organic content, these wastes can be treated in
biological treatment like anaerobic digestion than other techniques like incineration and composting [2].
As the solid waste from traditional market are tremendously produced nuisance for environmental, this
paper proposed anaerobic digestion for treating solid organic wastes mainly consisted of vegetable waste
and recovering bioenergy from the process.