A. Proposal aims setting realistic expectations. That is, development features develop along a particular development path.
B. Learners receiving audio-lingual or grammar-translation instruction are often unable to communicate their messages and intentions effectively in a second language.
C. The teachers should find the balance between meaning-based and form-based learning and teaching activities.
D. Comprehensible input and conversational interactions with teachers and other students are distinguished part of the teaching process.
E. The second means is a conscious “learning” process in which learners attend to form, figure out rules, and are generally aware of their own process.
F. It provides comprehensible input with the help those learners can make considerable progress if they have sustained exposure to language they understand.
G. The importance of individual differences (e.g. intelligence, language aptitude, motivation, and situational anxiety) upon which his approach is primarily based
H. Applied in bilingual education and immersion programs. Students can get learning the subject matter content and the language at the same time.