Lesson S&L 20
Task: Respond to yes/no questions.
Prerequisites: ADT 5, COG 66, S&L 7
Concept: Expanding on the ability to respond to yes/no types of questions about a story that is told (see prerequisite COG 66), this activity seeks to improve yes/no types of responses to topics of general or current information related to the student. The activity can serve to improve receptive language by introducing words or concepts with which the student may be unfamiliar, teaching the correct yes/no response, and then determining if the student has retained this information. Actual expressive speech in the form of a yes or no response is desired but is not required to meet the objective.
Behavioral Objective: When presented with a question related to a current activity or information about the student in a yes or no response format, the student will indicate verbally or by nonverbal means the correct answer to the question to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials.
Materials: Objects common to the student's environment and some favored personal possessions.
Task Analysis:
1. Review the student's ability to provide yes/no types of responses about a story that is told (see prerequisite COG 66).
2. Using an item that is one of the student's favored personal possessions, present the item to the student and ask if that item is the student's (name of item), then ask a yes/no type of question that would clearly not be true about the item. Although a verbal response is preferred, any form of identifiable response (e.g., a head shake) is acceptable.
3. Continue Step 2 for various other items common to the student's environment.
4. Introduce the student to some new experiences and environments. Relate facts about those experiences and situations to the student and then ask yes/no types of questions that relate to the new situation.
5. During a mealtime experience, use the skills obtained to attempt to determine likes and dislikes among food choices.