Enumeration in the 2000 census is near-complete.
coverage was estimated at 98.6%.20 In persons older than 30 years.
95% of deaths could be successfully linked to a 2000 census record.
We excluded persons younger than age 30 years, for whom linkage is less complete.
18 We also excluded people with missing building coordinates because these coordinates .
were necessary to determine exposure.
The database contains information on age, sex, marital status, and education.
There are also variables at the level of the municipality and residential building.
describing, for example, the degree of urbanization and socioeconomic characteristics of the municipality.
the age of the house and whether it had been renovated.
The geocoded places of residence are also included in the census data.
In general, these coordinates give a location within a few meters of the building midpoint.
Data of the census of 1990 were used to identify the place of residence at that time.
The censuses of 2000 and of 1990 also include information on whether persons had lived.
at the same place 5 years before each census, ie, in 1995 or in 1985.
We were thus able to identify persons who had lived at the same place for at least 5, 10, or 15 years. The Cantonal ethics committees of Bern and Zurich approved the Swiss National Cohort.