Japan is an island country Which consists of over 4,000 islands scattered islands in a line from the northwest Pacific Ocean. And is located east of the world is the origin of the name "Land of the Rising Sun," the southernmost point at about 24 degrees north latitude and 45 degrees north of the northernmost area of approximately 377,800 square kilometers. Length from north to south and about 2,800 kilometers of Japan's smaller than Thailand, approximately 0.7 times the population of more than about 2 times.
, Japan, consists of the main island four islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu islands of Honshu, the largest island still divided. 5 regions sorted from north to the Tohoku Kanto Chubu Centrair and Julian King's I have a total of 47 provinces, provinces (Prefecture) is divided into a total of more than 650 cities, with the city of Tokyo. Capital Since the year.. 2411, approximately three in four of Japan is mountains and hills. It is rich in forests Although there will be more demand for wood. But logging is negligible. Because Japan Turn to cheap imports from abroad. Instead of deforestation
will be a flat area for farming. And the location of the major towns of the plains. The area Central Tokyo Bay The Kanto Plain (Kanto) There was also a flat Tohoku (Tohoku) in the plains of northern Honshu, Hokkaido. And flat industrial area Nagoya - Osaka (Nagoya - Osaka) plains are crowded with houses, factories and infrastructure, agricultural land accounts for 20% of the total land of the country.