Global BAPs/BATs review
The COAST project commissioned consultants in 2009 to conduct a study regarding the international BAPs/BATs in the field of Ecotourism initiatives tied to alleviating poverty; environmental management systems and voluntary eco-certification and labeling schemes; and reef recreation, management and monitoring and strategies (Saini, 2009). The study comprised a total of 22 case studies from finished and current projects around the world. The review was limited to mostly internet and desk research using public documents. The selection of materials was delineated geographically by projects in the tropics and sub-tropics; involvement of a COAST project partner country was not taken into consideration in the review process. Furthermore, some projects and case studies had broader scopes than the COAST Project themes; hence the review was supplemented by a variety of information sources including in-depth telephone interviews with the case studies lead personalities.
2.2. COAST project BAPs/BATs definition
The COAST Project adopted the definition of BAPs/BATs from analyzing various international published sources. Within the scope of the COAST Project, BAPs/BATs are defined as exceptional contributions to improve the living environment. These initiatives have verified and substantial impacts on improving the quality of life of people; are outcomes of effective partnerships between the civic, private and public sectors of society; and are sustainable, in its economic, environmental, cultural and social aspect. (Dubai International Award, 2008, United Nations, 1992, United Nations, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2001, United Nations and United Nations Economic Social Council, 2006). Furthermore, BAPs/BATs are promoted and used by the United Nations Agencies and the international community as a means of improving public policy based on tested models; it increases the problem-solving prowess of decision makers at all levels regrading economic, environmental and social dilemmas. Finally, they can be used for succinct mechanism to increase the pool of knowledge of expertise through peer-t0-peer learning and other modes of lesson transfers.