An Improved Single Phase Active Power Filter with Optimum DC Capacitor.
Abstract - Solid state control of ac power using diodes,
thyristors and triacs injects the harmonics into the ac mains.
These injected harmonics cause low efficiency in the supply
system, poor power factor and EMI problems. Active filters
have been considered a potential candidate to reduce these
problems. This paper deals with an active power-filter (APF)
based on simple control with optimum selection of energy
storage capacitor. A voltage source inverter with hysteresis
current control is employed to form the APF, which uses
minimum measured variables to make it cost effective. A
diode rectifier feeding capacitive-resistive load is considered
a nonlinear load on ac mains for the elimination of harmonics
by the proposed APF. A detailed dynamic model of the
scheme is simulated and effect of different parameters is