At present, virtual world environments have a huge potential on changing the manner in which people can interact, navigate on Internet, and make business. Due to the fact that the virtual world environments become more pervasive, it is important for the researchers to be deeply involved in the understanding of those spaces. The paper describes the main aspects met by tutors and students on working in the Second Life environment, during the on-line course “Designing Technology-Enhanced Learning”, organized in the frame of the European LLP-KA3 project: “Enabling Creative Collaboration through Supportive Technologies” (code 511733-LLP-1-2010-1-FI-KA3-KA3MP). Second Life was chosen due to the fact that provides a strong collaborative environment equipped with modern features: voice interactions, chat and instant messenger, expanding the ways of communication and the possibilities for collaboration. For many Romanian students who participated to the course, it was a unique experience - they were involved in the collaborative work, together with their colleagues from Finland, Estonia and Norway, but also engaged in learning processes that enhanced creative collaboration.