About the project
Royal Rainmaking was initiated by King Bhumibol in year 1955. Since most Thai farmers have to wait for seasonal rain to grow crops, they are at times faced with difficulties from drought, so there might not be enough rainfall for crop growing. His Majesty the King invented artificial rainmaking techniques by applying the new technology with the capacity of raining.
Project administration
His Majesty the King has taught the method to the people as follow:-
1. “Agitation”
Start by using chemical to stimulate the air mass to float up high in order to produce steam or humidity. This will help form rain clouds and increase the amount of rainfall.
2. “Fattening"
Fatten the rain clouds through the sprinkle of chemicals to make the water droplets condense.
3. "Attacking"
Fly the plane to the fattened clouds, to further modify the surroundings and speed up the process.
Social benefits
Royal rainmaking operations have a great benefit for farmers throughout the country. It helps ease water shortages, and increase agricultural production, and thereby improving the livelihood of the people.