and five serovars (Agona, Montevideo, Gaminara,
Michigan, and Saint Paul) of Salmonella enterica. These strains/
serovars were associated with produce outbreaks, with
L. monocytogenes ENV2011010804-1 (390-1) and ENV2011010804-
2 (390-2) and S. enterica Michigan being linked to cantaloupe
outbreaks. Each test strain or serovar stored in glycerol at 20 C
was transferred in tryptic soy broth (TSB) and incubated at 37 C for
E. coli O157:H7 and S. enterica or 32 C for L. monocytogenes for 2
consecutive days. All further tests involving the three strains were
incubated at the same respective optimum temperatures