Education to build a better future for all
If we talking about education we will think about studying , student , teacher , examination or things that can help you success in life and future. Some people think education is not important, some people think education is very important but in reality the education can help us a lot but someone don’t know how to use them and someone don’t know what education gives us because they didn’t intend in education and sometimes ,education was distribute not good enough. The problem in education have many and it’s most happen by student and teacher, the following are some teacher or who are teaching do not really understand what the lesson are, and do not know how to explain their student to understand what they were teaching even sometimes they have given a wrong knowledge and the student don’t want to study in the lesson if they didn’t understand don’t like or not interested in it or maybe they think it’s not important for them. In my opinion the thing that we should think first is rectify about our education is we have to understand ourselves before decide everything of education and you’ll know what you want then you can decide what you will and It’s ensure 90% that you can solve your own problem in your education.