Epidemics of epizootics and occurrence of multiresistant antibiotics of pathogenic bacteria
in aquaculture have put forward a development of effective probiotics for the sustainable
culture. This study examined the effectiveness of forms of mixed Bacillus probiotics
(probiotic A and probiotic B) and mode of probiotic administration on growth, bacterial
numbers and water quality during rearing of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in two
separated experiments: (1) larval stages and (2) postlarval (PL) stages. Forms of Bacillus
probiotics and modes of probiotic administration did not affect growth and survival of
larval to PL shrimp. The compositions of Bacillus species in probiotic A and probiotic B did
not affect growth and survival of larvae. However, postlarvae treated with probiotic B
exhibited higher (P < 0.05) growth than probiotic A and controls, indicating Bacillus
probiotic composition affects the growth of PL shrimp. Total heterotrophic bacteria and
Bacillus numbers in larval and PL shrimp or culture water of the treated groups were higher
(P < 0.05) than in controls. Levels of pH, ammonia and nitrite of the treated shrimp were
significantly decreased, compared to the controls. Microencapsulated Bacillus probiotic
was effective for rearing of PL L. vannamei. This investigation showed that administration
of mixed Bacillus probiotics significantly improved growth and survival of PL shrimp,
increased beneficial bacteria in shrimp and culture water and enhanced water quality for
the levels of pH, ammonia and nitrite of culture water.
Epidemics of epizootics and occurrence of multiresistant antibiotics of pathogenic bacteriain aquaculture have put forward a development of effective probiotics for the sustainableculture. This study examined the effectiveness of forms of mixed Bacillus probiotics(probiotic A and probiotic B) and mode of probiotic administration on growth, bacterialnumbers and water quality during rearing of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in twoseparated experiments: (1) larval stages and (2) postlarval (PL) stages. Forms of Bacillusprobiotics and modes of probiotic administration did not affect growth and survival oflarval to PL shrimp. The compositions of Bacillus species in probiotic A and probiotic B didnot affect growth and survival of larvae. However, postlarvae treated with probiotic Bexhibited higher (P < 0.05) growth than probiotic A and controls, indicating Bacillusprobiotic composition affects the growth of PL shrimp. Total heterotrophic bacteria andBacillus numbers in larval and PL shrimp or culture water of the treated groups were higher(P < 0.05) than in controls. Levels of pH, ammonia and nitrite of the treated shrimp weresignificantly decreased, compared to the controls. Microencapsulated Bacillus probioticwas effective for rearing of PL L. vannamei. This investigation showed that administrationof mixed Bacillus probiotics significantly improved growth and survival of PL shrimp,เพิ่มประโยชน์ต่อแบคทีเรียในกุ้ง และวัฒนธรรมน้ำ และคุณภาพน้ำขั้นสูงระดับของ pH แอมโมเนีย และไนไตรต์น้ำวัฒนธรรม
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