As in Cairo (Fahmi & Sutton, 2006), most of the scavengers anditinerant buyers are within the capital city, Accra, and live incommunities close to the landfill site. About 75% of them indicatedthey lived in the community where the landfill site or the scraptrade is situated. The remaining 25% live far from the sites, andindicated that they would prefer to live close to the sites to mini-mize transportation costs and to start work on time. The workinghours of scavengers living close to the landfill site spans about 12 h,from 6 am to 6 pm daily. Those living far from the landfill sitesmostly started work at 8 am and ended at 6 pm. The data collectedalso revealed that about 6% of the scavengers were working 6 h
daily, and these were mostly those who had other part-time jobsbesides scavenging.