A Note on Congruent Numbers¨Umm¨ug¨uls¨um ¨O˘g¨ut and Refik KeskinSaka การแปล - A Note on Congruent Numbers¨Umm¨ug¨uls¨um ¨O˘g¨ut and Refik KeskinSaka ไทย วิธีการพูด

A Note on Congruent Numbers¨Umm¨ug¨

A Note on Congruent Numbers
¨Umm¨ug¨uls¨um ¨O˘g¨ut and Refik Keskin
Sakarya University, Mathematics Department, Sakarya, Turkey
uogut@sakarya.edu.tr, rkeskin@sakarya.edu.tr
Copyright c 2013 U¨mmu¨gu¨lsu¨m O¨ ˘gu¨t and Refik Keskin. This is an open access article
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
In this study, by showing that the systems of simultaneous equations
a2 − b2 = x2
a2 + b2 = y2
have no solutions in positive integers, we proved that a congruent number
can not be a perfect square. Moreover we proved Fermat’s last
theorem for n = 4.
Keywords: Congruent number, primitive Pythagorean triple, Fermat’s
last theorem
1 Introduction
The problem of studying positive integers n which occur as areas of rational
right triangle was of interest to the Greeks. The congruent number problem
was first discussed systematically by Arab scholars of the tenth century.
By the way recall that a positive integer n is a congruent number if it equals
to the area of right triangle with rational sides.
Since tenth century, some well-known mathematicians have devoted considerable
energy of the congruent number problem. For example Euler showed
that n = 7 is a congruent number with sides of lenght 24
5 , 35
12 and 337
60 . It is
750 ¨Umm¨ug¨uls¨um ¨ O˘g¨ut and Refik Keskin
known that Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci) was challenged around 1220 by Johannes
of Palermo to find a rational right triangle of area 5. He found the
right triangle with sides of lenght 3
2 , 20
3 and 41
6 . Notice that the definition of a
congruent number does not require the sides of the triangle to be integer, only
rational. While n = 6 is the smallest possible area of a right triangle with integer
sides of lenght 3,4,5 , n = 5 is the area of right triangle with rational sides
of lenght 3
2 , 20
3 and 41
6 . So n = 5 is the smallest congruent number. In 1225,
Fibonacci wrote a general treatment about the congruent number problem, in
which he stated out without proof that if n is a perfect square then n cannot
be a congruent number. The proof of such a claim had to wait until Pierre de
Fermat. He showed that n = 1 and so every square number is not a congruent
number by using his method of infinite descent[6]. One can look at [4] and
[7] for Fermat’s descent method. In the present study we will show that if n
is a congruent number then n can not be a perfect square by using the same
method. Moreover, we proved Fermat’s last theorem for n = 4, which states
that the equation x4 + y4 = z4 has no solutions in positive integers.
2 Main Theorems
Definition 1 Let x, y and z be positive integers. We say (x, y, z) is a Pythagorean
triple if x2 + y2 = z2. If (x, y, z) is a Pythagorean triple and gcd(x, y, z) = 1,
then we say that (x, y, z) is a primitive Pythagorean triple.
The following theorem is well known and can be found many textbook on
number theory(see [1]).
Lemma 2 Let (x, y, z) be a primitive Pytagorean triple. Then there exist opposite
parity natural numbers u and v such that x = 2uv, y = u2 − v2 and
z = u2 + v2 with (u, v) = 1.
From the above lemma it follows that if (x, y, z) is a primitive Pytagorean
triple, then z and one of x and y are odd.
Now, we will give the following lemma which will be needed during the
proof of the main theorem.
Lemma 3 There is no positive integers a, b, x, y such that a2 − b2 = x2 and
a2 + b2 = y2.
Proof. Assume that b is the minimum integer satisfying the equations a2−b2 =
x2 and a2 + b2 = y2. Then, it follows that (a, b, x) = (a, b, y) = 1. Since
a2 − b2 = x2 and a2 + b2 = y2, it is clear that both (a, b, x) and (a, b, y) are
A note on congruent numbers 751
primitive Pytagorean triples. Hence, a is odd and therefore b is even. Let
z = xy. Then we may write
a4 − b4 =

a2 − b2
a2 + b2

= x2y2 = (xy)2 = z2.
That is, (a2)2 = z2 +(b2)2. Furthermore, it can be easily seen that (z, b2, a2) =
1. Thus, there exist opposite parity natural numbers u and v with (u, v) = 1
such that b2 = 2uv, a2 = u2+v2, z = u2−v2. Since a2 = u2+v2 and (u, v) = 1,
it is seen that (u, v, a) is a primitive Pythagorean triple. Without loss of
generality, we may suppose that u is odd and v is even. Then, there exist
positive integers r and s with (r, s) = 1 such that a = r2 + s2, v = 2rs,
u = r2 − s2. Substituting these values of u and v into b2 = 2uv gives
b2 = 2uv = 2(r2 − s2)2rs = 4rs(r2 − s2),
which implies that


= rs(r2 − s2).
Since (r, s) = 1, it is easy to see that (rs, r2 − s2) = 1. Here both rs and
r2 − s2 are perfect square. Since r and s are opposite parity and (r, s) = 1, it
follows that (r − s, r + s) = 1. Using the fact that r2 − s2 = (r − s) (r + s) ,
it is seen that r − s and r + s are perfect square. Then, there exist integers
t, k, c, d such that r = t2, s = k2, r−s = c2 and r+s = d2. So, we immediately
have t2 − k2 = c2 and t2 + k2 = d2. Besides, using v = 2rs, b2 = 2uv and
s = k2, we see that b2 = 4urk2. This implies that k < b. But this contradicts
the definition of b. As a consequence, there is no integers a, b, x, y such that
a2 − b2 = x2 and a2 + b2 = y2.
Theorem 4 Let n be a congruent number. Then n can not be a perfect square.
Proof. Assume that n is a congruent number and n = k2 for some k ∈ Z.
Since n is a congruent number, there is a right triangle with rational sides
x, y, z such that n = xy
2 . We may suppose that
x = a/m, y = b/m, z = c/m
for some positive integers a, b, c, m. By using x2 + y2 = z2, we get






which implies that a2 + b2 = c2. Since
k2 = n =
2m2 ,
752 ¨Umm¨ug¨uls¨um ¨ O˘g¨ut and Refik Keskin
we get
ab = 2m2k2.
By using the equations a2+b2 = c2 and ab = 2(mk)2 , we can easily write that
(a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab = c2 + (2mk)2
(a − b)2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab = c2 − (2km)2 .
But this is impossible by Lemma 3. This completes the proof.
The proof of the following lemma is easy and will be omitted.
Lemma 5 Let n = s2m with m squarefree. Then n is a congruent number iff
m is a congruent number.
By using Theorem 4 and Lemma 5 we can give the following.
Corollary 6 1 is not a congruent number.
Corollary 7 The equation x4 +y4 = z4 has no solutions in positive integers.
Proof. Assume that x4 + y4 = z4 for some positive integers x, y, z. Let d =
gcd(x, y, z). Then x = da, y = db, and z = dc for some positive integers a, b, c
with gcd(a, b, c) = 1. Then it follows that a4 +b4 = c4. That is, (a2)2 +(b2)2 =
(c2)2. This shows that (a2, b2, c2) is a a primitive Pythagorean triple. Therefore,
b2 = u2 − v2 and c2 = u2 + v2 for some positive integers u and v by Lemma 2.
But this is impossible by Lemma 3. This completes the proof.
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หมายเหตุเลขแผง¨um¨ug¨uls¨um ¨O˘g¨ut และ Refik KeskinSakarya มหาวิทยาลัย ภาควิชาคณิตศาสตร์ Sakarya ตุรกีuogut@sakarya.edu.tr, rkeskin@sakarya.edu.trลิขสิทธิ์ซี 2013 U¨mmu¨gu¨lsu¨m O¨ ˘gu¨t Refik Keskin และ เป็นบทความเปิดเข้าการแจกจ่ายภายใต้การสร้างสรรค์คอมมอนส์แสดงลิขสิทธิ์ ซึ่งไม่จำกัดใบอนุญาตใช้ แจกจ่าย และการผลิตซ้ำในสื่อใด ๆ ให้ถูกงานต้นฉบับเริ่มแรกบทคัดย่อในการศึกษานี้ โดยแสดงที่ระบบของสมการพร้อมกันa2 − b2 = x 2และa2 + b2 = y2มีวิธีแก้ไขไม่ในจำนวนเต็มบวก เราได้ที่หมายเลขแผงไม่ได้เหลี่ยมสมบูรณ์ นอกจากนี้ เราพิสูจน์แฟร์มาของล่าสุดทฤษฎีบทสำหรับ n = 4คำสำคัญ: แผงหมายเลข ดั้งเดิมพีทาโกรัสทริปเปิ้ล แฟร์มาเป็นทฤษฎีบทสุดท้ายบทนำ 1ปัญหาของการศึกษา n เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกที่เกิดขึ้นจริงของเหตุผลสามเหลี่ยมมุมฉากได้น่าสนใจกรีก ปัญหาหมายเลขแผงเป็นครั้งแรกกล่าวถึงระบบ โดยนักปราชญ์อาหรับศตวรรษสิบโดยวิธีการ เรียกคืนให้ n เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกเป็นจำนวนแผงถ้ามันเท่ากับพื้นที่ของสามเหลี่ยมมุมฉากมีด้านเหตุผลตั้งแต่ศตวรรษที่สิบ mathematicians บางรู้จักได้ทุ่มเทมากพลังงานของแผงตัวเลข เช่น ออยเลอร์แสดงให้เห็นว่าให้ n = 7 เป็นแผงจำนวนกับด้านยาว 245, 3512 และ 33760 จึง750 ¨um¨ug¨uls¨um เลขจด O˘g¨ut และ Refik Keskinknown that Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci) was challenged around 1220 by Johannesof Palermo to find a rational right triangle of area 5. He found theright triangle with sides of lenght 32 , 203 and 416 . Notice that the definition of acongruent number does not require the sides of the triangle to be integer, onlyrational. While n = 6 is the smallest possible area of a right triangle with integersides of lenght 3,4,5 , n = 5 is the area of right triangle with rational sidesof lenght 32 , 203 and 416 . So n = 5 is the smallest congruent number. In 1225,Fibonacci wrote a general treatment about the congruent number problem, inwhich he stated out without proof that if n is a perfect square then n cannotbe a congruent number. The proof of such a claim had to wait until Pierre deFermat. He showed that n = 1 and so every square number is not a congruentnumber by using his method of infinite descent[6]. One can look at [4] and[7] for Fermat’s descent method. In the present study we will show that if nis a congruent number then n can not be a perfect square by using the samemethod. Moreover, we proved Fermat’s last theorem for n = 4, which statesthat the equation x4 + y4 = z4 has no solutions in positive integers.2 Main TheoremsDefinition 1 Let x, y and z be positive integers. We say (x, y, z) is a Pythagoreantriple if x2 + y2 = z2. If (x, y, z) is a Pythagorean triple and gcd(x, y, z) = 1,then we say that (x, y, z) is a primitive Pythagorean triple.The following theorem is well known and can be found many textbook onnumber theory(see [1]).Lemma 2 Let (x, y, z) be a primitive Pytagorean triple. Then there exist oppositeparity natural numbers u and v such that x = 2uv, y = u2 − v2 andz = u2 + v2 with (u, v) = 1.From the above lemma it follows that if (x, y, z) is a primitive Pytagoreantriple, then z and one of x and y are odd.Now, we will give the following lemma which will be needed during theproof of the main theorem.Lemma 3 There is no positive integers a, b, x, y such that a2 − b2 = x2 anda2 + b2 = y2.Proof. Assume that b is the minimum integer satisfying the equations a2−b2 =x2 and a2 + b2 = y2. Then, it follows that (a, b, x) = (a, b, y) = 1. Sincea2 − b2 = x2 and a2 + b2 = y2, it is clear that both (a, b, x) and (a, b, y) areA note on congruent numbers 751primitive Pytagorean triples. Hence, a is odd and therefore b is even. Letz = xy. Then we may writea4 − b4 =a2 − b2 a2 + b2= x2y2 = (xy)2 = z2.That is, (a2)2 = z2 +(b2)2. Furthermore, it can be easily seen that (z, b2, a2) =1. Thus, there exist opposite parity natural numbers u and v with (u, v) = 1such that b2 = 2uv, a2 = u2+v2, z = u2−v2. Since a2 = u2+v2 and (u, v) = 1,it is seen that (u, v, a) is a primitive Pythagorean triple. Without loss ofgenerality, we may suppose that u is odd and v is even. Then, there existpositive integers r and s with (r, s) = 1 such that a = r2 + s2, v = 2rs,u = r2 − s2. Substituting these values of u and v into b2 = 2uv givesb2 = 2uv = 2(r2 − s2)2rs = 4rs(r2 − s2),which implies thatb22= rs(r2 − s2).Since (r, s) = 1, it is easy to see that (rs, r2 − s2) = 1. Here both rs andr2 − s2 are perfect square. Since r and s are opposite parity and (r, s) = 1, itfollows that (r − s, r + s) = 1. Using the fact that r2 − s2 = (r − s) (r + s) ,it is seen that r − s and r + s are perfect square. Then, there exist integerst, k, c, d such that r = t2, s = k2, r−s = c2 and r+s = d2. So, we immediatelyhave t2 − k2 = c2 and t2 + k2 = d2. Besides, using v = 2rs, b2 = 2uv ands = k2, we see that b2 = 4urk2. This implies that k < b. But this contradictsthe definition of b. As a consequence, there is no integers a, b, x, y such thata2 − b2 = x2 and a2 + b2 = y2.Theorem 4 Let n be a congruent number. Then n can not be a perfect square.Proof. Assume that n is a congruent number and n = k2 for some k ∈ Z.Since n is a congruent number, there is a right triangle with rational sidesx, y, z such that n = xy2 . We may suppose thatx = a/m, y = b/m, z = c/mfor some positive integers a, b, c, m. By using x2 + y2 = z2, we getam2+bm2=cm2,which implies that a2 + b2 = c2. Sincek2 = n =xy2=(a/m)(b/m)2=ab2m2 ,752 ¨Umm¨ug¨uls¨um ¨ O˘g¨ut and Refik Keskinwe getab = 2m2k2.By using the equations a2+b2 = c2 and ab = 2(mk)2 , we can easily write that(a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab = c2 + (2mk)2and(a − b)2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab = c2 − (2km)2 .But this is impossible by Lemma 3. This completes the proof.The proof of the following lemma is easy and will be omitted.Lemma 5 Let n = s2m with m squarefree. Then n is a congruent number iffm is a congruent number.By using Theorem 4 and Lemma 5 we can give the following.Corollary 6 1 is not a congruent number.Corollary 7 The equation x4 +y4 = z4 has no solutions in positive integers.Proof. Assume that x4 + y4 = z4 for some positive integers x, y, z. Let d =gcd(x, y, z). Then x = da, y = db, and z = dc for some positive integers a, b, cwith gcd(a, b, c) = 1. Then it follows that a4 +b4 = c4. That is, (a2)2 +(b2)2 =(c2)2. This shows that (a2, b2, c2) is a a primitive Pythagorean triple. Therefore,b2 = u2 − v2 and c2 = u2 + v2 for some positive integers u and v by Lemma 2.But this is impossible by Lemma 3. This completes the proof.
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สูงส่งและ n เป็นจำนวนเท่ากัน IFF
m เป็นจำนวนเท่ากัน .
โดยใช้ทฤษฎีบท 4 และแทรก 5 เราสามารถให้ต่อไปนี้
ควันหลง 6 1 ไม่ใช่หมายเลขที่สอดคล้องต้องกัน
ควันหลง 7 สมการ X4 y4 = ยังไม่มีโซลูชั่นในจํานวนเต็มบวก
พิสูจน์ สมมติว่า y4 Z4 X4 = บางบวกจำนวนเต็ม x , y , Z ให้ D =
LCD ( x , y , z ) แล้ว x = ดา , Y = dB และ Z = DC บางบวกจำนวนเต็ม a , b , c
และ n เป็นจำนวนเท่ากัน IFF
m เป็นจำนวนเท่ากัน .
โดยใช้ทฤษฎีบท 4 และแทรก 5 เราสามารถให้ต่อไปนี้
ควันหลง 6 1 ไม่ใช่หมายเลขที่สอดคล้องต้องกัน
ควันหลง 7 สมการ X4 y4 = ยังไม่มีโซลูชั่นในจํานวนเต็มบวก
พิสูจน์ สมมติว่า y4 Z4 X4 = บางบวกจำนวนเต็ม x , y , Z ให้ D =
LCD ( x , y , z ) แล้ว x = ดา , Y = dB และ Z = DC บางบวกจำนวนเต็ม a , b , c
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