When deep drawing cups different stress states and thus resulting elongation take place. The investigation of the
formability of different materials can be performed by means of deep drawing of round cups reasonably. As
described, unidirectional reinforced FRP's show a strong direction dependence of the formability. Since round cups
are rotationally symmetric, the forming properties can be compared in all directions directly with each other within
one part. Therefore, first cups were made from an aluminium-FRP-aluminium-sandwich at the Institute of Forming
Technology and Machines.
The aluminium alloy AW-5754 with a sheet thickness of 1 mm was used. The FRP component was made
of unidirectional glass-fibre-reinforced PA6 (GRP) with a fibre volume content of about 40 %. FRPs with a
thickness of 1.2 mm and 2.5 mm were employed. As shown in Fig. 3, the semi-finished products were joined
without an adhesion promoter during the forming process, using the adhesive properties of the thermoplastic only