At 6 months, the proportion of women giving any breast
milk was 67.8% (618/912), with 66.0% of primiparous
women (301/456) and 69.5% of multiparous women
(317/456) giving at least some breast milk. The proportion
giving breast milk as the only form of milk at
6 months was 50.2% (455/907), comprising 47.9%
(216/451) primiparous women and 52.4% (239/456)
multiparous women. Only two women had exclusively
expressed to feed (ie, had not fed directly at the breast
at all) from birth until the 6-month interview. Neither
had planned to give EBM exclusively; they expressed
because their babies had never effectively attached to
feed at the breast. Of those women who had ceased
breastfeeding by 6 months, the mean duration of breastfeeding
was 12.8 weeks (SD 7.38).