Transverse momentum spectra of protons and anti-protons from RHIC ( √s = 62 and 200 GeV) and LHC experiments ( √s= 0.9 and 7 TeV) have been considered. The data are fitted in the low pT region with the universal formula that includes the value of exponent slope as main parameter. It is seen that the slope of low pT distributions is changing with energy. This effect impacts on the energy dependence of average transverse momenta, which behaves approximately as s0.06 that is similar to the previously observed behavior of Λ-baryon spectra. In addition, the available data on Λc production from LHCb at √s = 7 TeV were also studied. The estimated average < pT > is bigger than this value for protons proportionally to masses. The preliminary dependence of hadron average transverse momenta on their masses at LHC energy is presented