1. Select, fix the Swelling block, and clamp the pipes.
2. Fix suitable Tool bits for the pipes.
3. Adjust the beveling angle by Splint, which is connected to Locating Shaft and main frame,
tighten the screws on the Locating Shaft, rivet the beveling angle.
Caution : Don't make Tool Bits toucli tile pipe wall
4. Clamp the pipe, pull out the Feed Hand wheel, rotate Feed Hand wheel to make the Tool
Bits close to terminal surface with certain space. Push the Hand wheel to the original
position, start up the motor, idle motion , tum off the motor till the Tool bits touch the peak
of the pipe.
Caution: tile distance between tile Tool Bits and pipe wall sliould maintain even, or tile
swelling mechanism sliould be readjusted
5. Pull out the Feed Hand wheel, Adjust Tool Bits from the peak of the pipe to outer 3-4mm,
push the Hand wheel to the original position, start up the machine for beveling.
6. After machining, rotate Feed Hand wheel, remove the Tool bits. Loosen the Swelling the
nut and demount the machine.
7. Other operations are the same as T Model~ Y Model pipe beveling machine.