• As mentioned earlier, the architecture needs a major redesign, looking at new types of
nodes. At a system level, the frame-based approaches that are at the heart of 4G need
rethinking in order to meet the requirements for latency and flexible allocation of
resources to a massive number of devices. From the discussion above, and from the related
architectural consideration earlier, and referring one last time to the Henderson-Clark model, we conclude that native support of M2M in 5G requires radical changes at both the node and architecture levels. Major research work remains to be done to come up with concrete and inter working solutions enabling M2M inside 5G systems.
This article has discussed five disruptive research directions that could lead to fundamental
changes in the design of cellular networks. We have focused on technologies that could lead to
both architectural and component design changes: device-centric architectures, mm Wave,
massive MIMO, smarter devices, and native support of M2M. It is likely that a suite of these
solutions will form the basis of 5G.