The hellhound’s flames dim and the heads let out a whine before the creature slumps down, defeated and barely conscious. After all the trouble you had with him, you want to have some fun in exchange. “Bad boy, roll over!” you command as if the hellhound was just an ordinary domestic dog. To your surprise the creature actually does as you say. Accepting your victory he rolls onto his back, exposing his human-like abs and throat, signalling submissiveness. Looking down on your foe, your lustful gaze rests upon his privates. You examine the unusual ballsack with its quadruple testes, but the real treasure is yet to be found. Pulling on his sheath you reveal his twin dog members. An obsessive idea comes to your mind and you are determined to put his magnificent tools to a good use.
You start caressing his pair of wonderful canine cocks. Although the hellhound is pretty out of it, his dicks spring to life, extending rapidly from the sheath. Tentatively you give one of them a gentle lick, being rewarded with a drop of pre-cum.
The corrupt juice burns on your tongue, far worse than the hottest spicy dish you have ever had. You instantly back off from his member, cursing this abomination of nature. Leaving the submissive creature as it is, you head back for your camp.