where j is the smallest integer greater than nr/a. Any series form could have been used for the distribution of traction but this representation, owing something to Mindlin’s analytic solutions [ 1, 21, possesses the two virtues of giving analytically tractable expressions for tangential displacements and of including the exact solution for the condition of gross slip as a special case. An integral form of eqn. (1) has been explored to some advantage by Segedin [4] in connection with the normal indentation problem.
One equation for determining the n coefficients fi can be obtained from each of the II annuli. In stick regions the tangential displacement due to f(r) is prescribed, whilst in slip regions f(r) = f Mp(r), where p(r) is the local normal contact pressure.
We therefore assume a provisional division into stick and slip regions, solve the appropriate equations, and test the solution to see whether the initial assumption was correct. In stick regions the tangential traction must be below the limits at which slip occurs, whereas in slip regions the relative incremental displacement must be in the correct sense for the assumed frictional traction. If these tests fail in any region, the assumption in that region is changed and a new solution is obtained. Convergence is rapid.