1. Define communication. Communication is•the act of transmitting information.
2. Describe the inte1pers mal communication process . Interpersonal communication occurs
between individuals. Itis an interactive process that involves a person's effort to attain mean ing and respond to it. It involves sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages .
3. Describe problems that could arise from conflicting or inappropriate assumptions made in inte1personal communication. Misunderstandings can occur when a speaker thinks he or she was being clear or was understood. Questions that go unanswered, points that are misunderstood, and meanings that are misinterpreted are examples of potential problems.
4. Define semantics, and explain its role in inte1personal communication . Semantics is the science or study of the meanings of words and symbols. Because of the possibility of misinterpretation , words must be carefully chosen and clearly defined to enable effective communication .
5. Define perception . Perception deals with the mental and sensory processes an individ ual uses in interpreting information received .
6. Explain how emotions may affect communication. Emotions affect one's disposition to send and receive communication . Anger, joy, fear, sorrow, disgust, or panic can all affect the way one sends and receives messages. Communications during periods of high emotion are often subject to distortion.