General education curricula at many universities require students to take courses in wide ranging areas outside of their specific ma- jors. Conspicuously missing from many of these curricula, how- ever, are engineering and technology courses. As part of a program sponsored by our Office of Undergraduate Studies at the Univer- sity of Utah, I am developing and delivering a new course that uses the notion of technological fluency [2002] as a starting point for a conversation about the role of technology and engineering in a general education curriculum. To position the course as an inter- esting choice for a wide variety of undergraduate students, I am developing the course to specifically introduce technological ideas through arts and music projects. Essentially this is a way to intro- duce students to computing and increase their technological fluency but through digital media projects rather than engineering projects. It is also a way to expand students’ ideas about technology in the arts and how arts and technology interact in our modern world