It was universally agreed that the current
systems offering was unacceptable and that
academics and administrative staff had low
satisfaction levels with the systems they used.
Indeed, none indicated that they were satisfied
with their research system provision; academics
in particular were unhappy. Most institutions
interviewed were reviewing the systems
used to manage one or more elements of the
research cycle (pre-award including costing,
pricing and negotiation; post award including
Collecting and managing data for clinical and translational research presents significant challenges for clinical and translational researchers, many of whom lack needed access to data management expertise, methods, and tools. At many institutions, funding constraints result in differential levels of research informatics support among investigators. In addition, the lack of widely shared models and ontologies for clinical research informatics and health information technology hampers the accurate assessment of investigators’ needs and complicates the efficient allocation of crucial resources for research projects, ultimately affecting the quality and reliability of research. In this article, we present a model for providing flexible, cost-efficient institutional support for clinical and translational research data management and informatics, the Research Management Team (RMT), and describe our initial experiences with deploying this model at our institution.