An exacerbation is a deterioration in the level of control experienced by a person with asthma. The level and duration of
Keywords: Asthma exacerbation/Hypoxaemia/Asthma self-management●This article has been double-blindpeer reviewed
5 keypoints
1Asthma is inflammation of the airwaysassociated with hyperresponsiveness of the airway smooth muscle
2 Exacerbations of asthma can occur frequently and have a number of causes, the most common being viral infections
3 When presenting with exacerbations,
patients should
be assessed so
management can
be planned
4Follow up
should be
carried out to
ensure recovery is
taking place and to
facilitate patient
5Patients with
a written
asthma action plan
tend to have fewer
Some acute asthma exacerbations occur
without an identifiable cause
deterioration is important and a full history
should be obtained to help identify
whether the person is normally well – has
the asthma been like this for a period of
weeks or months or, if is it are usually well
controlled, has a loss of control happened
over the past few days? Both of these scenarios
may have similar, if not identical,
clinical presentations. Tattersfield et al
(2004) found the pattern of deterioration
in 425 exacerbations started around eight
days before presentation and that it took a
similar amount of time to get back to the
previous level of control.
Current UK guidelines published by the
British Thoracic Society and the Scottish
Intercollegiate Guideline Network categorise
exacerbations of asthma as moderate,
severe and life threatening, based on the
features with which patients present (BTS
and SIGN, 2012) (Table 1).
An exacerbation is a deterioration in the level of control experienced by a person with asthma. The level and duration ofKeywords: Asthma exacerbation/Hypoxaemia/Asthma self-management●This article has been double-blindpeer reviewed5 keypoints 1Asthma is inflammation of the airwaysassociated with hyperresponsiveness of the airway smooth muscle2 Exacerbations of asthma can occur frequently and have a number of causes, the most common being viral infections3 When presenting with exacerbations,patients shouldbe assessed soappropriatemanagement canbe planned4Follow upshould becarried out toensure recovery istaking place and tofacilitate patienteducation5Patients witha writtenasthma action plantend to have fewerexacerbationsSome acute asthma exacerbations occurwithout an identifiable causedeterioration is important and a full historyshould be obtained to help identifywhether the person is normally well – hasthe asthma been like this for a period ofweeks or months or, if is it are usually wellcontrolled, has a loss of control happenedover the past few days? Both of these scenariosmay have similar, if not identical,clinical presentations. Tattersfield et al(2004) found the pattern of deteriorationin 425 exacerbations started around eightdays before presentation and that it took asimilar amount of time to get back to theprevious level of control.Current UK guidelines published by theสังคมอังกฤษทรวงอกและอตภาษาที่เครือข่ายผลงาน intercollegiate categoriseexacerbations โรคหอบหืดเป็นปานกลางรุนแรง และคุกคามชีวิต ตามคุณลักษณะที่ผู้ป่วยปัจจุบัน (บีทีเอสและเครื่อง หมาย 2012) (ตารางที่ 1)
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